Within the scope of the “Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği Kapasite Geliştirme ve Teknik Destek Programı” project implemented by UN Women with the financial support of the European Union, the “Capacity Building and Technical Assistance Program on Gender Data” training was held at Ankara Limak Ambassadore Hotel on 26-27-28 April 2023 with 66 participants from media professionals, students, and civil society organizations. The aim and objectives of this training, which was implemented in partnership with Tandans Data Science Consultancy, Association for Monitoring Gender Equality (CEID) and Dissensus Research, are stated below. In addition to the modular training program, hackathons, capacity building and mentoring activities for CSOs will be organized in two more provinces.
Purpose of the Training
The aim of this training program is to support the capacity development of civil society organization (CSO) members, staff or volunteers, media professionals and students by providing them with knowledge and skills on sources of data and statistics on gender equality.
At the end of the training program, participants will be more confident and competent in accessing, using, producing, analyzing and presenting gender data and statistics, as well as using gender data and statistics to advocate for gender equality. Therefore, one of the main objectives of the training program is to make gender data and statistics more widely available to the public by enabling participants to both produce data themselves and to take responsibility for demanding meaningful data and statistics from public institutions. As the program becomes more widespread and participants put their achievements into practice, the use of data and statistics will make a significant contribution to efforts towards gender equality in Türkiye.
- This training program will guide CSO representatives who are interested in using gender data and statistics for their work, evidence-based advocacy and improving their analytical skills to advance gender equality.
- The concepts, policies and strategies discussed during the training program will guide media professionals who want to engage in gender-sensitive reporting using gender data and statistics.
- Students (majoring in statistics, media/journalism, women’s studies and other related majors) who gain a gender equality perspective and become familiar with gender data and statistics will be able to incorporate gender equality into their education and working life.
- Participants in the same target group will learn different perspectives and ways of using data from each other.
- Participants will ensure that gender data and statistics reach a wider audience, as they both produce data themselves and assume the responsibility of demanding meaningful data and statistics from public institutions, and will put into practice what they have gained from the training to contribute to gender equality.