Social protectıon
We support the development and evaluation of inclusive social protection systems that address the needs of disadvantaged groups, including refugees, people with disabilities, and low-income households.

Technical Assistance for Improving the Social Integration and Employability of Disadvantaged Persons (DESIP)
TANDANS Consulting is sub-contracted by NIRAS Consulting for The EU project “Technical Assistance for Improving the Social Integration and Employability of Disadvantaged Persons – DESIP” project which aims to promote an inclusive labour market with opportunities for disadvantaged persons, with a view to their sustainable integration into labour force and combat all forms of discrimination in the labour market. The purposes of this project are to increase awareness on the problems of disadvantaged groups and combatting discrimination against them which results in exclusion from the labour market and to increase the institutional capacity of Department of Employment Policies of MoLSS, one of the main public institutions that develop policies and act in favour of disadvantaged persons, and social partners.
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Measuring Indicators of Success for Promotion of Economic Prospects for Syrian Refugees and The Host Community (PEP)
Within the expansive framework of the PEP Project led by GIZ, the primary objective is to enhance access to employment opportunities for both Syrian refugees and Turkish citizens in host communities through collaborative efforts with the private sector and local institutions. Tandans, as a key partner in this endeavor, plays a pivotal role in shaping the project’s success. Our contribution centers on designing a comprehensive survey methodology, conducting in-depth interviews, and monitoring focus group discussions. Our aim is to gather essential information from over 30 projects conducted by project partners, utilizing a mixed-methods approach that includes qualitative tools such as in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and key informant interviews.
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Assessment of the Supply of Financial Services by Turkish Banks for Displaced Persons and Their Host Communities
Tandans DSC has been awarded the consultancy project titled “Assessment of the Supply of Financial Services by Turkish Banks for Displaced Persons and Their Host Communities” by the Savings Banks Foundation for International Cooperation (SBFIC). The overarching objective of this consultancy assignment is to comprehensively evaluate the actual provision of financial services by banks to the target demographic, which includes displaced persons and economically disadvantaged local communities. Our role is instrumental in verifying and exploring critical assumptions while equipping us with a solid foundation for selecting banking sector partners.
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The Study on the Vulnerabilities and Protection Concerns of Afghan Refugees and Migrants on the move in Turkey
The study aims to understand the trend of an increased number of movements of Afghan refugees and migrants to, through, and from Turkey; their key vulnerabilities and protection concerns in Turkey as well as their aspirations for onward movements. The research has progressed in three phases. The first phase started with desk research. After the preparation of data collection tools, the second phase mainly involved conducting fieldwork in six provinces to collect quantitative and qualitative data simultaneously by conducting surveys, IDIs FGDs with Afghan refugees and migrants, as well as key informant interviews. The third phase was drafting the report.
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International Consultancy on Turkey Country Report on Out-of-School Children (OoSC)
Fieldwork in this project took place during the Covid-19 pandemic period. We prepared a remote methodology and conducted in-depth interviews with parents, key informants and children in Arabic, Kurdish and Turkish through telephone and video interviews. Field coordination involved conducting interviews, coding and analysis at the same time. After the analysis, separate reports were written for both phases.
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“Who is a Disabled Woman?” Research
Within the scope of the “Strong Civic Space for Gender Equality” Project funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by UN Women, fieldwork for the “Who is a Woman with Disabilities?” Research is conducted for the Association of Women with Disabilities. This research aims to assess the current situation in education, employment, health, violence, social participation and access to services, and aims to eliminate the lack of disaggregated data on women with disabilities.
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Impact Assessment of Identification and Placement Process in Guidance and Research Centers (GRCs)-Development of Inclusive Education Project (BEGEP)
The overall goal of the Development of Inclusive Education Project (BEGEP) is to ensure the integration of all students into society by increasing the quality of mainstreaming practices in our country and increase the participation of children with special needs in society more effectively by raising the quality and effectiveness of special education. TANDANS DSC is conducting research about the placement processes, effectiveness and impact of the Guidance Research Centers (RAM) on beneficiaries. We will reveal whether the developed policies are implemented in the provinces or not, their capacities and demands of the RAMs.
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Study on the Situation Analysis (SITAN) on Children with Disabilities
TANDANS Data Science Consulting has been entrusted with the critical role of conducting the “Study on the Situation Analysis (SITAN) on Children with Disabilities.” The primary objective of this study is to comprehensively understand the situation of children with disabilities (CWD) within the Turkish context. The insights gained from this analysis are expected to be highly beneficial to decision-makers, relevant partners, and NGOs/Disabled People Organizations (DPOs). By increasing knowledge and awareness about the rights of CWD, the SITAN study aims to facilitate informed decision-making and advocacy efforts. Moreover, the study is poised to serve as a valuable resource for UNICEF and its partners, including NGOs/DPOs, in identifying and addressing barriers and contributing to the fulfillment of child rights in Turkey.
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Technical Assistance to a Major Social Inclusion Program Focused on Densely Roma Populated Areas of Turkey
TANDANS Consulting is playing a pivotal role as a subcontractor to WyG Turkey Consulting in a project that spans 12 pilot provinces across Turkey, including Adana, Ankara, Balıkesir, Edirne, Eskişehir, Hatay, İstanbul, İzmir, Kırklareli, Manisa, Mersin, and Tekirdağ. The primary objective is to conduct comprehensive analyses, both ex-ante and ex-post, to assess the needs and challenges faced by target groups within these provinces. The focus is on specific age groups and gender in the areas of education, employment, health, and social protection and assistance services. TANDANS Consulting aims to identify the current quality levels of these services and explore opportunities for enhancements. Additionally, the project involves the detection of coordination and cooperation issues in the provision of these services at the local level, with the results to be documented in a comprehensive report.
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Increasing the Institutional Capacity of the Ministry of Family and Social Policy in the Field of Social Inclusion Policy
In the framework of the IPA Project “Increasing the Institutional Capacity of the Ministry of Family and Social Policy in the Field of Social Inclusion Policy,” Tandans Consulting played a pivotal role in enhancing the institutional capacity of the Ministry of Family and Social Policy (MoFSP) in the realm of social inclusion policy. Our contributions were instrumental in achieving the project’s overarching objective, which was to align social policies with EU standards and international best practices.
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