Our Principles

At Tandans, our commitment to excellence is rooted in a set of core principles that guide our every endeavor. These principles encompass ethics, effective management, innovative technology utilization, beneficiary focus, commitment to quality, and collaborative cooperation.


Professional Independence and Impartiality 

TANDANS Data Science Consulting (DSC) uses all the techniques and raises awareness in order to minimize the bias of the results and the misuse of information by respecting the principle of impartiality in the projects it implements. The knowledge about the methods and procedures is provided to be reached by the end user by compiling the information produced on an objective basis. The changes in the methodology are instantly shared with the project owner and stakeholders by TANDANS. 



Respect to Respondent 

The selection techniques and application methods of the data collection tools used are proportional to the needs of the users. However, the data to will be collected must be suitable for the participants and free from excessive density. Therefore, the rejection rates and reaction load from the respondents are monitored by TANDANS. 



Data Privacy 

The confidentiality of data providers (households, businesses, administrations and other participants), the consistency of the information they provide and their use only for statistical purposes are guaranteed by TANDANS. The data obtained as a result of the research or exchange of information and which causes the researcher to be recognized as processed or unprocessed belonging to the data providers, is secured by the “Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698”. 



Gender Equality 

TANDANS Data Science Consulting (DSC) team prioritizes gender equality both in its instutional structuring and in project implementation. We are contributing to strengthening the position and rights of women in public, economic, and social life; combatting violance against women and girls; participation and leadership. We are committed to women’s empowerment as a signatory of WEPs. There is also a balance in our management board. 



Ethical Research 

Ethical responsibility is a necessity not only against the subject being researched and the people living in the research area, but also against the beneficiaries, co-executives and stakeholders of the research. TANDANS has ethical responsibility against the disciplines that benefit from the accumulation and development of sciences such as statistics, sociology, psychology, anthropology, and it is responsible for the most important ethical responsibility, universal human rights which is the most important ethical responsibility and the science world. 



Respect for the Environment 

Respect for the environment is a core value that underscores a company’s commitment to minimizing its ecological footprint and preserving the planet for future generations. It encompasses a range of practices and initiatives aimed at reducing waste, conserving resources, adopting sustainable technologies, and promoting environmental stewardship. 



Employee Rights 

TANDANS takes into account the basic rights of employees, such as insurance, wages and working conditions, while making service purchase and sale agreements by considering the rights of full-time or project-based contract workers. In the consultancy sector, where the “human factor” is the determinant, we are aware of the fact that successful results can be achieved with the observance of employee rights, and it takes measures to keep its motivation high, especially for the personnel working in difficult conditions in the field to perform their duties effectively, efficiently and adequately. 


Competition in Quality 

The scope, detail and cost of the information are directly proportional to the needs. In order to get accurate and reliable results in any project, the use of sufficient resources is considered by the TANDANS team. Therefore, it maintains the competitive principle not in cost but in quality. 



True, Reliable and Consistent Information 

The information produced by the TANDANS team illustrates the accuracy and reliability. Source data, intermediate results, quantitative and qualitative outputs are regularly evaluated and approved by experts of the subject. In particular, sampling errors and out of sampling errors are measured in quantitative data. For qualitative data, the process is structured in such a way that the most detailed information is neutral from all interested parties. Corrections are analyzed regularly to improve processes. 



Quick Presentation of Information 

The TANDANS team acts on the assumption that any phenomenon or event has three components: These components are time, space and actor. Therefore, it is aware of the relationship between time and seeing the situation at the time the information is collected. However, the timing is directly proportional to the available resources and the effective use of these resources. With this awareness, it aims to present accurate and reliable information in the fastest way by evaluating the available resources that can be used within the framework of the project in an optimum manner. 



Data Quality Framework 

The TANDANS Data Science Consultancy (DSC) team determines the strengths and weaknesses of itself about the implementing project, which is carried out systematically and regularly by its own internal audit in order to continuously improve the process and product quality. Therefore, it defines the quality policy publicly and prioritizes quality management in the organizational structure and in the vehicles used. It implements procedures to plan and monitor the quality of the information production process,and it ensures regular and complete review of important outputs by using external experts when necessary. 


Beneficiary Oriented Solution 

With the awareness that the beneficiaries of the implemented project consist of a wider set, TANDANS focuses on the beneficiary – service provider relationship rather than the customer – seller relationship during implementation. While implementing different methods and techniques in the project activities, rather than from a dogmatic point of view, it adopts a method that can use different techniques for different needs of different beneficiaries regarding the qualification of data with different variations, and focuses on preparing inputs to meet the needs of beneficiaries in projects. In close cooperation with the beneficiary, it monitors the appropriateness of the available information to meet actual needs and takes into account their emerging needs and priorities. 




One of the biggest problems in the post-truth period is information pollution. In an age when access to information is so easy, access to reliable information becomes more difficult and the universe becomes an information dump. In this process, TANDANS puts the concept of “wisdom” in front of obtaining correct information. For TANDANS, it is essential to analyze reliable and solution-oriented information, not to access any information available. In this respect, it has adopted the principle of closely following scientific innovations and developments in its field by giving importance to cooperation with scientific institutions, especially universities. Experts and employees are also encouraged in this direction. 



Global Network 

TANDANS develops relationships and communications to collaborate with institutions and experts in its field in order to spread accumulation of international experience and knowledge, and to adapt international practice and experience to cultural dynamics. TANDANS DSC, strives to cooperate globally with organizations that are good in their field in order to work with the best experts. 



Sustainable Project Management 

TANDANS provides the aforementioned sustainability by, considering rational time planning the personal abilities and the positions of the actors who apply the research, not only physical but also social and cultural patterns of spatial originality. 



Working on the Basis of Volunteerism 

The TANDANS team is aware of the resource constraints on humanitarian aid issues. For this reason, it commits to providing voluntary support and increasing awareness in its field. Some institutions and. organizations where the volunteer work is carried out are UNICEF, Institute for Future Research, Teyit.org etc. 


Scientific Research Process Models 

The TANDANS team takes care to use modern methods in their research processes. It uses research business process models developed on international platform. In this sense, mixed research business processes were developed according to this model and “TANDANS Research Process Models – TRPM” was designed. The general methodological framework used for the production of information, international standards, guidelines and good practices are followed. Necessary procedures are implemented to ensure consistent application of standard concepts, definitions and classifications. There is a detailed agreement among the codes (answer options) used in national and international classification systems. In projects, it aims to work with occupational professionals who graduate from academic disciplines related to the project and applies a continuous vocational education policy to its employees. 



Use of Integrated Research Models 

TANDANS Data Science Consultancy (DSC) adopts mixed (complementary) research models in order to receive, evaluate and present the information in the most comprehensive and supportive way and shows the effort to direct the beneficiary to this process. Mixed research models cover both quantitative and qualitative techniques and support them with secondary data. Thus, the presentation of the information in an integrated and compatible manner is guaranteed. 



National Cooperation 

The TANDANS team develops projects and works together in cooperation with organizations working in different fields to disseminate their experience and knowledge in collecting, processing, storing, analyzing and distributing information. 



Working with Subject Expert 

TANDANS Data Science Consultancy (DSC) sees the personal knowledge and skills of the subject matter experts and other staff who are one of the most effective project components in order to get quality results in project applications. For us, the main criterion of the projects with successful results is that the experts and other personnel involved in these projects are the best in their fields and capable of self-improvement. In order to work with such a human resource, sacrifices are made if necessary. 


Integrated Research Communication Strategy 

TANDANS also thinks about communication in a multidimensional way: beneficiary, responders, users and public authorities. Effective communication with all parties will facilitate research practice as well as improve quality. In a research, the continuous relationship with the beneficiary is not only important in explicitly exposing the research problems, but also in clarifying the concepts and questions to be asked and choosing the correct analysis. Communication with respondents is also very important in reducing the rates of non-response and systematic errors. Communication with public authorities where research activities are implemented is one of the most important criteria for keeping security and research ethics in the foreground. Therefore, effective communication is one of the most important issues by TANDANS experts and TANDANS develops the “Integrated Research Communication Strategy”. TANDANS DSC, strives to cooperate globally with organizations that are good in their field in order to work with the best experts. 



Sustainable Project Management 

TANDANS provides the aforementioned sustainability by, considering rational time planning the personal abilities and the positions of the actors who apply the research, not only physical but also social and cultural patterns of spatial originality. 



Efficient Resource Use 

TANDANS acts on the basis of efficient resource use in all projects. Efficient use of resources enables efficient use of resources with adequate, effective and effective standard solutions in data collection, processing, storage, analysis and reporting of information and communication technologies, as well as enabling cost-effective project management as well as highlighting competition in quality. 



Field Security 

’Safety first’’ is not just a slogan for TANDANS. Field safety is a prerequisite for the actual start of field work, especially in field research. The most successful project is the project in which the staff protect their own health and safety at the maximum level. In this sense, collaboration with the beneficiary and the public is carried out at the initial stage of the project in order to establish field safety. 


Research and Development 

The TANDANS team believes that success in the information society is periodic, and the success of structures that do not develop themselves and have difficulty adapting to innovations in their field is temporary. Therefore, it attaches importance not only to the applications of technological innovations in the consultancy and research sector, but also to epistemological and methodological development in order to develop the conceptual and theoretical frameworks of the projects. TANDANS DSC, strives to cooperate globally with organizations that are good in their field in order to work with the best experts. 


Usage of Technology 

TANDANS team considers the use and development of technology among its principles. It prioritizes the use of technology during data collection, processing, storage, analysis and distribution activities. 

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