We aim to improve access, equity, and quality in education systems. Our work includes designing and evaluating programs that benefit disadvantaged groups, including refugees, children with disabilities, and underserved communities. We develop innovative strategies to support lifelong learning and enhance education outcomes.

Third Party Monitoring of the Conditional Cash Transfer for Education (CCTE) for Refugees in Turkey - UNICEF - 2018/19
TANDANS was contracted by UNICEF to conduct Third Party Monitoring (TPM) activities of “Conditional Cash Transfer for Education (CCTE) for Refugees”. The monitoring will be used by the UNICEF TCO to communicate and share lessons learned with the UNICEF’s Corporate Management, as well as with the Executive Board, donors, and strategic partners on the organization’s role in Turkey. It will also be used to communicate results and share experiences/lessons learned from the ongoing cash transfers and child care reforms to contribute to the mutual learning of Turkey and UNICEF TCO on how to best ensure the child’s right to access education and grow up in a family environment.
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International Consultancy on Turkey Country Report on Out-of-School Children (OoSC)
Fieldwork in this project took place during the Covid-19 pandemic period. We prepared a remote methodology and conducted in-depth interviews with parents, key informants and children in Arabic, Kurdish and Turkish through telephone and video interviews. Field coordination involved conducting interviews, coding and analysis at the same time. After the analysis, separate reports were written for both phases.
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Technical Assistance for Students Learning About the EC – Common Values, Fundamental Rights and Policies
TANDANS Consulting is subcontracted by EPTISA Consulting for “Technical Assistance for Students Learning About the EC – Common Values, Fundamental Rights and Policies” which provides technical assistance to the Ministry of National Education of Turkey with the purpose of increasing awareness of EU Common Values. TANDANS Consulting will manage and monitor of implementation of two surveys at the beginning and the end of the project implementation period.
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Research Activities for Needs Assessment and Regulatory Impact Assessment for Promoting Decent Future of Work Approach with a Focus on Gender Equality
TANDANS’ role in the “FoW Project” is instrumental in conducting comprehensive sector studies across five sectors. These studies aim to assess labor demands, skills, and occupations within the framework of the Future of Work approach, with a specific focus on gender equality.
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Impact Assessment of Identification and Placement Process in Guidance and Research Centers (GRCs)-Development of Inclusive Education Project (BEGEP)
The overall goal of the Development of Inclusive Education Project (BEGEP) is to ensure the integration of all students into society by increasing the quality of mainstreaming practices in our country and increase the participation of children with special needs in society more effectively by raising the quality and effectiveness of special education. TANDANS DSC is conducting research about the placement processes, effectiveness and impact of the Guidance Research Centers (RAM) on beneficiaries. We will reveal whether the developed policies are implemented in the provinces or not, their capacities and demands of the RAMs.
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Meeting Point of SMEs and Universities
TANDANS conducted a mixed research on SMEs, PHD Students and their Advisorst to meet them in on pot to strengthen RD capacities of SMEs. Face to face interviews with a total of 627 Enterpreneurs, Phd. Students and their Advisors were conducted. Data are processe and analysed by SPSS. A comprehensive report was prepared and presented through a national conference.
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Increasing Attendance and Schooling Rates in Secondary Education Project (ODAP)
Increasing Attendance and Schooling Rates in Secondary Education Project (ODAP) aims to increase education and skills levels by ensuring access to education for all and combating early school dropout/absenteeism. It supports efforts to increase attendance and enrollment rates in secondary education through the development and implementation of a comprehensive prevention, intervention and compensation model. In this context, four different pre-test studies, namely Science, Reading Comprehension, Mathematics and Mathematics – Basic Operations, were administered to ninth grade students in six schools selected for the pilot study in Ankara by the Ministry of National Education General Directorate of Secondary Education in order to measure students’ school achievement and targeted outcomes.
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