
Our gender-sensitive research and evaluations inform policies and programs that empower women and girls. We also integrate gender mainstreaming principles into all our thematic areas to ensure equity and inclusion.

Federation of Women Associations of Turkey Statistical Analysis of Domestic Violence Hotline Data between Years 2007-2021

With the Turkish Women’s Associations Federation (TKDF) and United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Türkiye, TANDANS DSC provided one of the most comprehensive data analyses ever conducted in Türkiye in the struggle against “Violence Against Women” which remains one of Türkiye’s most important social problems. More than 28,000 calls received between 2007 and 2021 by the TKDF’s “Domestic Violence Emergency Hotline,” which provides services in 5 languages, were analyzed and the statistical analysis resulted in the preparation of the “Statistical Analysis Report of Domestic Violence Emergency Hotline Data for the Years 2007-2021” which contains striking statistics..
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Research Activities for Needs Assessment and Regulatory Impact Assessment for Promoting Decent Future of Work Approach with a Focus on Gender Equality

TANDANS' role in the "FoW Project" is instrumental in conducting comprehensive sector studies across five sectors. These studies aim to assess labor demands, skills, and occupations within the framework of the Future of Work approach, with a specific focus on gender equality.
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Development and Delivery of Modular Gender Data and Statistics – Capacity Development Programme and Technical Support on Gender Data

The main purpose of this project is to improve the capacity and literacy of gender data among women’s organizations, professionals and students. The assignment’s two goals are as follows: Contribute to evidence-based advocacy in various subject areas by developing and implementing a data capacity development program aimed at women’s CSOs, other rights-based CSOs, students of statistics and media/journalism, women’s studies programs, as well as students of other relevant fields, and media professionals. Building customized capacity and knowledge on data compilation and analysis on gender-specific topics, as well as promoting data-driven journalism practices/initiatives, to strengthen the skills of media professionals and media/journalism students in the effective use of gender data and statistics in their reporting and storifying.
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"Who is Disabled Women? Research
“Who is a Disabled Woman?” Research

Within the scope of the “Strong Civic Space for Gender Equality” Project funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by UN Women, fieldwork for the “Who is a Woman with Disabilities?” Research is conducted for the Association of Women with Disabilities. This research aims to assess the current situation in education, employment, health, violence, social participation and access to services, and aims to eliminate the lack of disaggregated data on women with disabilities.
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