About the project
The study’s purpose is to assess the effects of nine Financial Support Programmes carried out by İZKA, which target areas of development as follows: Vocational Training, Early Childhood Education, Information Society, Renewable Energy, Regional Rural and Socioeconomic Development, and Strengthening Industrial Regions.

Types of Services Provided
TANDANS DSC has designed the Impact Assessment Methodology for each Financial Support Programme. Conducted field research and prepared 9 Evaluation Reports. Findings presented to diverse stakeholders.
TANDANS DSC designed the Impact Assessment Methodology for each Financial Support Programme including the identification of the impact indicators, preparation of questionnaires and KII guideline after conducting desk research.
We conducted 85 in-depth interview and 42 surveys with project beneficiaries.
A total of 9 Evaluation Reports were prepared.
Towards the end of the project, a validation meeting was conducted, involving diverse stakeholders such as municipalities, province, and district authorities, to present and deliberate on the evaluation findings.
Collected Data
with project beneficiaries
with project beneficiaries