About the project
The evaluation of the ICMPD Migration Partnership Facility (MPF) is a significant endeavor aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the MPF across its two funding periods, MPF III and MPF IV. This project is pivotal for enhancing the external dimension of the EU’s migration policy, focusing on the development of migration policy frameworks and promoting dialogue-driven multilateral cooperation. Tandans views this project as a multifaceted challenge that not only assesses impacts but also facilitates the generation and dissemination of knowledge, ensuring that the insights gained can influence ongoing and future migration management efforts. The project addresses the complexity of migration issues through robust methodological approaches and is designed to provide strategic insights that are critical for the European Union. Tandans, along with its partners, is committed to delivering a comprehensive evaluation that supports informed decision-making and policy development.

Types of Services Provided
In the ICMPD Migration Partnership Facility project, Tandans is involved primarily in Work Packages 2 and 4. Our role encompasses the methodological guidance and implementation for evaluating MPF-supported initiatives. We are tasked with providing comprehensive analyses using quantitative and mixed-method research methods to ensure a detailed and nuanced evaluation. Additionally, Tandans plays a crucial role in the communication and dissemination aspects of the project, ensuring that findings are effectively communicated to relevant stakeholders and the broader public.
Tandans is responsible for providing methodological guidance for the evaluation of initiatives supported by the MPF, particularly focusing on quantitative and mixed-method research approaches. This includes overseeing the detailed evaluation processes to ensure that the analysis captures all relevant data and insights effectively.
Our tasks include preparing communication taining, materials and strategies to ensure that the evaluation findings are accessible to stakeholders, enhancing the overall impact and visibility of the project results.