About the project

The main purpose of this project is to improve the capacity and literacy of gender data among women’s organizations, professionals, and students. The assignment’s two goals are as follows: Contribute to evidence-based advocacy in various subject areas by developing and implementing a data capacity development program aimed at women’s CSOs, other rights-based CSOs, students of statistics and media/journalism, women’s studies programs, as well as students of other relevant fields, and media professionals. Building customized capacity and knowledge on data compilation and analysis on gender-specific topics, as well as promoting data-driven journalism practices/initiatives, to strengthen the skills of media professionals and media/journalism students in the effective use of gender data and statistics in their reporting and storifying. The project was implemented in partnership with the Association for Monitoring Gender Equality (CEID) and Dissensus Research.

Types of Services Provided

TANDANS DSC is the leader of the consortium with the Association for Monitoring Gender Equality (CEID) and Dissensus Research. We allocate the budget, manage the events (training, digital storytelling, hackathon, mentoring), and are responsible for administrative tasks. Also, communication and visibility activities, training needs assessment, and reporting are the services we provide.

Tandans DSC is responsible for administrative tasks such as budget allocation.

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