About the project
We are involved in the evaluation of UNICEF’s UN Joint Programme for the Elimination of Child, Early, and Forced Marriage (CEFM) in Türkiye is conducted in collaboration with CORAM International. The programme, funded by SIDA and implemented by UNICEF, UNFPA, and UN Women, engages a wide range of stakeholders, including government counterparts (such as the Ministry of Family and Social Services, the Presidency of Strategy and Budget, and the Ministry of Justice), CSOs, and local community groups.

Types of Services Provided
As Tandans DSC, our role includes designing the evaluation framework, organizing fieldwork, conducting KIIs, IDIs, and FGDs, analyzing qualitative data, and contributing to reporting. This evaluation will generate evidence-based insights to inform future efforts to eliminate CEFM and address gender-based violence in Türkiye.
- National level: 10-12 KIIs with experts and stakeholders involved in policy development, programme implementation, and advocacy.
- Regional level: 3-4 KIIs per region with government officials, service providers, and implementing partners, totaling around 20-28 KIIs.
- Service Providers: 3-4 FGDs in each of the 7 research locations with service providers and implementing partners, totaling 21-28 FGDs.
- Beneficiaries: FGDs will be conducted with different groups of beneficiaries, such as girls, men involved in the Engaged Fatherhood Programme, and children exposed to or at risk of CEFM, totaling 14-20 FGDs across the research sites.
- The qualitative data from interviews (KIIs) and focus group discussions (FGDs) is transcribed, coded, and analyzed thematically.
- The analysis identifies key patterns, insights, and trends that relate to the research questions and objectives of the assessment, focusing on the effectiveness, relevance, sustainability, and outcomes of the joint programme aimed at eliminating child and early forced marriage (CEFM).
- We contirbute to drafting the evaluation report provides a concise overview of the program’s effectiveness, sustainability, relevance, and impact.. The report concludes with strategic recommendations for improvement and sustainability, ensuring consistency with the evaluation matrix and Theory of Change.