About the project
TANDANS Consulting is subcontracted by EPTISA Consulting for “Technical Assistance for Students Learning About the EC – Common Values, Fundamental Rights and Policies” which provides technical assistance to the Ministry of National Education of Turkey to increase awareness of EU Common Values. TANDANS Consulting will manage and monitor of implementation of two surveys at the beginning and the end of the project implementation period.

Types of Services Provided
ANDANS Consulting is responsible for designing the research methodology for both the ex-ante (before the project) and ex-post (after the project) surveys. This ensures that the project’s impact can be effectively measured.
TANDANS Consulting is responsible for designing the research methodology for both the ex-ante (before the project) and ex-post (after the project) surveys. This ensures that the project’s impact can be effectively measured.
The team designs questionnaires tailored for secondary school and lycee students, as well as web-based survey methodologies and questionnaires for assessing the training needs of MoNE staff. These instruments are essential for gathering data and insights.
TANDANS Consulting monitors the field implementation of face-to-face student surveys, focus groups, and in-depth interviews during both the ex-ante and ex-post survey phases. They collect data from various sources, including qualitative data from focus group meetings and in-depth interviews, as well as quantitative data from web-based Training Needs Assessment (TNA) surveys.
The team analyzes the results obtained from these diverse sources, conducting both qualitative and quantitative analysis. They then prepare statistical reports for the ex-ante and ex-post surveys, highlighting changes and trends. Additionally, TANDANS Consulting generates a comparison report that meticulously analyzes the differences between the ex-ante and ex-post survey results, providing valuable insights into the project’s impact on EU Common Values awareness.