About the project
TANDANS took on the significant task of conducting a comprehensive Needs Analysis for Social Services in the TR82 region, awarded by the North Anatolian Development Agency. This initiative aimed to investigate social needs and enhance the overall social welfare of individuals residing in the provinces of the North Anatolian Development Agency (KUZKA) TR82 Region, namely Kastamonu, Çankırı, and Sinop.

Types of Services Provided
The outcomes of this initiative will play a pivotal role in guiding future social service initiatives, and promoting the well-being of communities in Northern Anatolia. The Needs Analysis serves as a foundational resource for informed decision-making, providing key stakeholders with insights into the social fabric of the TR82 region. The determined priorities of effective and preventive social services inform the development and prioritization of policies aimed at addressing the identified needs. The project’s community-centric approach, with a combination of surveys and qualitative engagements, ensures that the voices and concerns of individuals in the TR82 region are at the forefront of social service planning.
Collected Data
with implementing partners